Plastic surgeons specializing in facial surgery have long struggled to find a truly safe and effective treatment for facial scarring due to acne. Finding a treatment that was minimally invasive and produced very limited recovery time has been even more challenging.
After being on the market for more than a decade, Bellafill has shown itself to be a safe and effective minimally invasive treatment that can be administered in-office with very little recovery time.
Bellafill, a Suneva Medical product, is currently used as a non-resorbable injectable wrinkle filler for treatment of smile lines. As of January 2015, it has been approved by the FDA as the only treatment available for acne scarring. As a long-term filler, Bellafill has been shown to provide lasting results (of five years duration or longer) for facial folds and scarring.
As a long-term filler, Bellafill is 20 percent polymethylmethacrylate microspheres and 80 percent collagen. These two elements combine to stimulate a patient’s own body to produce additional collagen in affected areas. As the body produces more collagen on its own, facial lines naturally begin to soften, scars begin to fill in, skin begins to smooth and the skin takes on a more fresh and youthful appearance.
Bellafill is injected just beneath the skin’s surface precisely in the location where the lines or scarring has occurred. This is how Bellafill is able to remedy skin issues directly by stimulating collagen production exactly where it is most needed.
FDA-Approved For Acne Scars
Based on the 5 year Post Approval Study with 1008 patients, long-term safety of Bellafill® for up to 5-years has been established.
The FDA required that extensive testing of Bellafill be done before and after issuing approval. The post-approval study registered 1,008 patients enrolled across 23 study centers in the U.S.
Bellafill was tested at 10 sites nationwide, after which participating patients were monitored for 12 months. After 5 years, Bellafill delivered a 87% percent retention rate and 83% patient satisfaction rate. Only 11.7% patients experienced mild adverse events, which were resolved by the conclusion of the study. The most commonly reported TRAEs were lumpiness and redness (1.8%). There was also a 1.7% incidence of granulomas. There were no treatment-related serious adverse events (SAEs) experienced.
Bellafill for Facial Lines
Unlike Botox and other short-term fillers, Bellafill produces long-lasting and reliable results. This is the reason why Bellafill is also the filler of choice for deeply formed facial lines, including smile lines. Bellafill can smooth the appearance of facial and smile lines for five years or more.
Patients report seeing visible results after just one treatment. For deeper links, it is recommended to get more than one treatment to see significant changes. Bellafill also stimulates the body to produce more natural collagen so it will continue working to produce ever more positive changes in the months after treatment occurs.
Find out more about Bellafill and other injectable fillers in this page. Schedule a consultation today!