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Can Cosmetic Surgery Make You Look More Trustworthy?

Plastic Surgery in Indianapolis, INIt’s no secret that cosmetic surgery can make someone look younger; studies back this up. We also know that cosmetic surgery boosts self-confidence by enhancing how someone feels about his or her appearance. A new study, however, reveals that cosmetic surgery can improve perceived traits such as likeability and trustworthiness — something completely new.

Our facial appearance represents ourselves to the world. Snap judgments, right or wrong, are made based on how others perceive us. It’s common knowledge that features, such as a furrowed brow, can project unintended emotions or encourage negative and premature impressions about someone’s personality. So the results of this study should not come as a major surprise.

The study’s lead author, facial plastic surgeon Mike Reilly at Georgetown University, looked at how certain facial procedures (facelifts, eyelid surgery, brow lifts and others) affected perceptions of patients. One characteristic in particular stood out: Patients who underwent one of these procedures were perceived as more trustworthy.

The Georgetown study involved 30 women who underwent cosmetic facial rejuvenation. Their before-and-after photos were evaluated by people in a complex study designed to prevent bias. Researchers found that a facelift and lower eyelid surgery resulted in the most favorable personality traits: femininity, social skills, trustworthiness and likeability post surgery. Blepharoplasty in particular makes sense as opening up your eyes improves perceived eye contact. As your parents told you, if you are making eye contact, you are less likely to be lying.

How our perceptions of others are formed and the contribution of facial appearance to these perceptions is an area we are just beginning to explore. Even more interesting to prospective cosmetic patients is the potential benefit of an improved view in the workplace and at home. While nothing replaces genuine integrity and trustworthiness, it is interesting to note how patients may be able to improve not just their look, but how they are perceived by the world.