Physicians have known for years that the body can respond to trauma in a variety of ways to heal and re-generate itself. A surprising twist on this is the possibility that plucking hairs in a specific manner can stimulate hair growth. This may serve as a future tool for the treatment of hair loss and male pattern baldness (MPB) as well as female hair loss.
Researchers at the University of Southern California found a new concept called “quorum sensing.” This cell-based communication tool can be used to encourage regrowth of hair. In a study done with mice, researchers found that when they plucked hairs in a high-density circular pattern between three and five millimeters, they could stimulate the regrowth of between 450 and 1,300 hairs. The regrowth could extend beyond the plucked area as well.
The next step in future research is to test this technique on humans. Hopefully with good results this technique could be clinically used to treat alopecia in the next five to 10 years. The exciting and unique thing about hair plucking as a hair loss remedy is that it does not involve drugs, surgery or lasers.