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The newest neurotoxin on the market, also referred to as ‘Daxi’, has optimistic results. Revance, located in Tennessee, has been exploring the hope of a longer lasting neurotoxin since 2002. Daxxify is potentially the answer. In clinical studies, Daxi lasted an average of 6 months and up to 9 months for some people.

What sets Daxi apart from the previous options for neurotoxin is its stabilizing agent. Daxxify uses peptides instead of human or animal byproducts, which are used in Botox and Dysport. By using peptides, the absorption seems to be better and in turn allows for a longer duration of the product. Neurotoxins work by blocking signals of specific chemicals from nerves to temporarily relax muscles. By relaxing the muscle, wrinkles are able to smooth out.

The benefits of Daxi are very similar to the other neurotoxins that have been on the market for awhile. Aging cannot be stopped, but we do our best to help slow the process of aging down. The goal is to give you a fresh, younger appearance by relaxing or ideally erasing those pesky fine lines and wrinkles.  Daxi will be a great option for those patients that want a minimally invasive treatment with zero downtime.

Daxxify is dosed differently than the other neurotoxins. This is due to different amounts of active ingredients in the product. For example, 40 units of Daxxify is the same amount of active product as 20 units of Botox. The pricing will be different for these products, but we are excited about the possibility of less visits with equal or better results. We know your time is important and want to provide you with the best results while respecting your time. Some patients have noticed results quicker with Daxi than with other injectables they have tried. The full onset of the product is 2 weeks, but you could start see it kicking in within a day or two.

Daxxify is FDA approved for treatment of glabella line, but off label can be used in all the same areas as Botox and Dysport including: forehead lines, frown lines, crow’s feet, eyebrows, gummy smiles, lip/smoker’s line, marionette lines, bunny lines, and masseters for jaw clenching.

If you are interested in learning more about Daxxify or other options to keep you looking young, please contact Hamilton Facial Plastic Surgery in Greenwood 317-969-8472 or Carmel 317-682-0803 today to schedule your consultation.