In my cosmetic practice this is one of the more common questions I get and I am always surprised- of course they do. Yet male cosmetic surgery is still about 20-30 years behind the women in terms of numbers, discussion and acceptance- but that is changing.
In 2013 men had more than one million cosmetic procedures. The number of men having procedures has grown 43% over the last 5 years according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This growth has been fueled not only by injectables such as Botox Cosmetic, Juvederm and Restylane, but also by more men having surgical procedures such as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) neck lifts and hair transplants.
There are several reason for this increase. One is that with women and the press talking so much about cosmetic procedures, more men are aware of the possibilities. The work place has also become more sensitive to men looking healthy and young- with the trend to working longer for retirement it is important to look young and competitive. This was emphasized in a recent Time Magazine article on Nip, Tuck or Else. Even The Economist has commented on how it is important for CEOs to look the part and many have a work out and other healthy living activities as part of their routine. Lastly, there is more acceptance that men are doing things- think Vice President Joe Biden (Botox and hair transplant) and Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones (Eyelift/ Facelift).
We have seen an increase in men coming in at our practice as well. Many are men brought in by their wife or significant other. Others on their own intitiative. With our population aging, but remaining working and active, we expect to see this trend continue.
Here’s a video of Cody, who get regular skincare and Botox treatment from Hamilton Facial Plastic Surgery: