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Find Your Brilliance Again with Limelight IPL

As we age, many of us find ourselves inspecting the sun damage delivered by our youth’s worship and misunderstanding of the unforgiving sun. Especially for the fair-complexioned, we can feel super self-conscious about it. Instead of letting the sun damage and literal wrinkles of time wreak havoc on our self-esteem, we can find our brilliance again with LimeLight IPL.

Limelight IPL in Indianapolis, IN

Limelight IPL is non-invasive and is a highly effective procedure that works to correct skin tone and imperfections such as sun damage, redness or discoloration on the face and neck.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) uses a source of broad-spectrum, visible light. LimeLight is a more targeted form of IPL that uses a green light to focus specifically on skin tone and color. This light is specially controlled, targets, heats and destroys brown spots, melasma, broken capillaries, tiny veins and sun spots. It’s the heating of the pigmented brown or red cells that causes the therapeutic effect.

And, we don’t have to worry if this is a passing trend. IPL has decades of proven success and was first approved by the FDA in the mid-1990s and has been growing in popularity ever since. According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, IPL grew in popularity by over 30 percent between 2014 and 2015 in the United States.

LimeLight also could be a minimal-downtime alternative if you’ve been exploring a peel to address spots and signs of aging on your face. For example, with peels your whole face is fluffing off, whereas with LimeLight you can easily cover up what’s happening with makeup.

Explore LimeLight IPL with Dr. Mark Hamilton, M.D., F.A.C.S., and his team who work alongside you to select the right treatment that best suits your needs. Most treatments take less than one hour, and anesthesia or pain medicine is typically not required.

After treatment, spots get darker, essentially scab over, then peel off within a week. Within one to three weeks, the darkened spots flake off and fade. One to three treatments are usually sufficient to see results. Dr. Hamilton and team will determine if additional treatments may be recommended, especially for excessively sun-damaged skin.

Now that we know what the sun can do, take your skin back with LimeLight IPL and always remember to apply sunscreen to minimize sun damage and the appearance of new spots and diffuse redness.

Interested to learn more about LimeLight IPL? Call us in Indianapolis/Carmel at 317-614-0639 or in Greenwood at 317-210-4339.