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How long will my facelift last?

Facelift in Indianapolis, INThis is probably my most common question. A facelift is a major decision for many patients and they want to be reassured that the time, expense and yes risks will be worth it. So here is my answer.

Facelift in Indianapolis, INIt really depends on the patient. Someone in their 50s with excellent skin and good bone structure is going to get a much longer lasting result than an 80 year old with extensive sun damage. In addition, it depends on how someone takes care of themselves after the procedure- a patient who treats her skin poorly, has lots of stress and has ups and downs in their weight is going to quickly lose the benefits of their surgery. In general, however, I tell most patients that I would hope that it would be 10 years or more until they return to their pre-face lift state. Even with that, however, I also tell patients they will see benefits from the procedure for the rest of their life- it is a long term tightening of the tissues.

If you are considering a facelift, this is a great question to ask your surgeon. It will help you better understand where you are, what a facelift can do for you and what you should expect long term. In addition it is a great way to gauge your surgeon’s understanding of your very own anatomy and lifestyle.