Dr. Hamilton traveled to California in November for training and has been using JuvedermVoluma XC on select patients since that time.
Volume loss is a sign of aging and Dr. Hamilton believes Voluma XC is thebest option for correction. Our experience has shown that the filler isable to provide lift to the midface and cheeks as well as facialvolumization. Patients have noted immediate results with one session. Likeother fillers, bruising and swelling can be expected, but most patientshave been able to easily camouflage with make-up by the next day. Inaddition, all patients have described the treatments as minimally painful-even less than the other Juvederm products.
JuvedermVoluma XC provides long lasting correction. Results from studieshave shown the product to last up to two years and beyond. Adverse effectsand complications have been rare, similar to other temporary fillers. Likethe other Juvederm products, Voluma XC is reversible as well.
For those patients noting a loss of facial volume and sagging in the midface region, JuvedermVoluma XC provides an ideal filler for long term correction.