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Kybella – The Good, The Bad and Is It Right For Me?

Kybella Before and After Pictures Indianapolis, INThe latest new injectable is here and it is called Kybella™. With its introduction has come a lot of varying opinions as to how effective this new product will be. Most important, many patients are wondering if this is the right solution for their neckline, an area of common concern. Here are some of the facts regarding Kybella™:

The Good

  • Kybella is designed to dissolve submental fat and improve the area under the chin and has received FDA approval for this indication.
  • Injections are done in the office, so treatments do not require surgery or any incisions.
  • Kybella is made from the same chemical (deoxycholic acid) used by the liver to digest fat, so it is natural to the body.
  • Treatments are quick and downtime is typically minimal, so the treatments are fairly easy.
  • Most patients will see substantial improvement in their submental area- in extensive studies, over 2/3 saw a clinically significant improvement in their neckline after a full series of treatments; in addition nearly 80% expressed satisfaction with the final results.

The Bad

  • Multiple injection sessions are required, typically 2-3, but sometimes up to six.
  • While downtime is limited, some patients did have prolonged swelling and bruising.
  • Potential complications include potential nerve weakness. While all resolved with time, this highlights the need to go to a skilled and trained physician.
  • Like any treatment, some patients did not see a clinically significant result. Over 30 percent did not see a substantial improvement. This highlights the need for careful patient selection.

Is it right for me?

Not everyone is a candidate for Kybella as highlighted by the number of study subjects who do not respond (over 30%). Patients who have extremely lax skin will probably not get the tightening needed with treatments to provide an improved neck contour. In addition, some necklines are naturally sloped limiting the potential improvement.

Click here for information about Kybella and some commonly asked questions.

Watch our video below of Dr. Hamilton discussing Kybella:

The first step to determining if you are a candidate for Kybella is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hamilton to evaluate your anatomy, skin and neck contour. Click here to sign up for a complimentary consultation today!