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Latest Changes in Botox Produce Longer Lasting Results

Botox in Indianapolis, IN

For years Dr. Hamilton has been using Botox cosmetic to soften crow’s feet and lift the lateral eyebrow. Recently, however, some things have changed. One is that just this past fall, the FDA gave Botox Cosmetic an official indication for the treatment of crow’s feet. This just makes official what we have known for several years – Botox in this area is safe and effective. It provides a softening of lines and a rejuvenation of the eyelid area – great not only for results now, but also for providing some prevention of future wrinkles.

Crow’s feet develop when the muscles around the eyes are repeatedly contracted through facial expressions like smiling and squinting – facial movements that are hard to avoid. Botox cosmetic currently stands alone as the only injectable approved for the purpose of reducing these lines. While treatment for crow’s feet has long been performed with the famous drug, it is no longer an “off-label” use, allowing more patients to feel confident in its ability to soften wrinkles in many areas of the face. The other two most common sites for injections are the glabella lines (frown lines) between the eyebrows that resemble the number 11 and wrinkles in the forehead.

Another new change is recommended dosing. In years past most physicians would inject 5-15 units to soften the crow’s feet. While effective, new studies are showing that higher doses are more effective and provide a longer lasting result. The new recommendation for maximal treatment of this area is 20-25 units. For men, who tend to require more units because of stronger and more abundant facial muscles, even higher doses may be advisable. These dosage levels are considered very safe and will not increase your risk of complications when used correctly. Dr. Hamilton and Elizabeth Magis, R.N., have been performing Botox with successful results for several years and know just the right amount to use on our patients after a personal consultation.

Patients are now having a better understanding of how the crow’s feet and lateral brow can be improved by using Botox Cosmetic. With FDA approval and improved dosing, patients can feel confident that they are getting safe, effective and long lasting results. Women and men age 18 to 65 are able to experience smoother skin for 3-4months, with results typically improving after each use. Since no downtime is involved, the muscle-relaxing neurotoxin has become a quick and easy way to improve facial youthfulness without surgery.

View these injectable before and after photos of patients who received Botox and other injectable filler treatments to see the benefits of Botox with your own eyes. Then call Hamilton Facial Plastic Surgery at (317) 859-3810 or (800)597-3223 to make an appointment at one of our Indianapolis area offices. During your private consultation we will evaluate your areas of concern and determine if you are a good candidate for Botox Cosmetic. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve your aesthetic goals!