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Lip Filler

A common concern for our patients is the lips and the surrounding area. One of the signs of aging is loss of lip volume and pout as well as the development of fine lines around the mouth. Lip fillers can be used to correct both of these concerns.

What are lip fillers?

Lip fillers are a non-permanent way to enhance the size and/or shape of the lip. Lip fillers can also help to improve the area around the lips, also known as “smoker’s lines.” Common lip fillers are Juvederm XC Ultra and Ultra Plus, Juvederm Volbella, Restylane L and Restylane Kysse, and the RHA fillers. All of the above, and most lip fillers, are a gel-like substance composed of hyaluronic acid, which is a sugar naturally produced by the human body found in the skin that helps to retain water and increase moisture.

How long does lip filler last?

This varies among individuals. Lip filler typically lasts around 4 to 9 months, but some filler will remain in the lips long after this point in some patients.

How do I find out if I am a candidate for lip filler?

Consultation is done before lip injection with one of our skilled nurse injectors. They will analyze your lip anatomy and discuss your concerns and goals. A plan is then discussed to achieve the look you want – for some patients this is very subtle; others may desire something more dramatic.

How should I prepare for my lip filler appointment?

It is recommended that you do not take any NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen) a few days prior to your appointment. Drinking alcohol, including wine, in the days before your appointment can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising. Arnica montana is a homeopathic supplement that can help reduce bruising, and we recommend taking the supplement as directed on the package starting a few days prior to your appointment. Arnica montana can be found at your local drug store or health-foods store.


What will occur at my lip filler injection session?

Prior to your treatment, a topical numbing agent will be applied. This greatly decreases the discomfort of the treatment. Following this, the lips and surrounding areas are prepped to thoroughly cleanse them. Your injector will then treat the areas that you have discussed to achieve the look you desire.  Some bruising and swelling may occur, and ice should be applied before, during and after the treatment.

Are there instructions I need to follow after my appointment?

Swelling and bruising can persist for up to 7-10 days after your injection appointment. Using ice after your injections can help reduce the amount of swelling and bruising you may experience. We also offer post-injection serums that can be applied topically to help manage swelling and bruising.

Lip filler treatments can help you achieve the look you want in just a short treatment session. Call our office to schedule your consultation and treatment session.