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The Profileplasty Procedure

Plastic Surgery in Indianapolis, INProfileplasty is a term that some use to describe a procedure that combines both rhinoplasty and a chin implant to improve the overall profile of the face. The chin and nose are the two most prominent features of the face and they are especially noticeable when viewing the side profile. Some people may have been born with certain facial features that they would like to change or others may have experienced an injury that altered their nose or chin. It can be helpful to change both of these parts of the face at the same time because one can affect the other in terms of appearance. For example, a small or receding chin may actually make the nose appear to be larger and more pronounced than it really is. The profileplasty procedure is designed to provide a custom fitted implant for the chin and a new shape for the nose to improve the overall facial balance and profile.

Candidates for the Procedure

Most people in overall good health are candidates for the procedure. Patients should be non-smokers and have healthy, realistic expectations regarding the results. Most plastic surgeries are elective procedures and it is important that it is something that you are doing to enhance your own appearance as opposed to meeting someone else’s expectations.

The Surgery

The combined procedure can take about 2-3 hours to complete and it can be done in an outpatient facility. The chin augmentation procedure will begin with a small incision which can be made inside of the mouth along the lower lip (intraoral) or on the skin on the underside of the chin (submental). A pocket will be created to fit the implant. There are different sizes and materials available for implants including Goretex, mersilene mesh, and silicone. Absorbable sutures are used and these will dissolve on their own so that they do not need to be removed.

The rhinoplasty procedure can vary depending on the current size and shape of the nose. It can be done in such a way to decrease the width of the nostrils, change the structure of the tip, or even remove a hump. Although most rhinoplasty procedures are elective, some of them are actually necessary to correct certain types of breathing problems due to the structure of the nose. Prior to the procedure, the physician may perform video imaging of the nose to demonstrate the changes that will be made during the surgery. The physician will make a small incision on the underside of the nose to open up the structure and make alternations as needed and the incision will be closed. In some cases, the incisions may be confined to the inside of the nose and no external incisions are made.

The Recovery Process

Most people will be able to resume daily activities after about a week of recovery, but they are still advised to refrain from strenuous activities for several weeks thereafter. There will be some facial dressings to aid in the recovery process as there may be a splint for the nose and tape around the chin. The patient may experience some slight discomfort eating and speaking after the procedure, but mild pain medication can be prescribed as well as instructions on how to maintain good oral hygiene during the recovery process.

Dr. Mark Hamilton is a board certified facial plastic surgeon based in the Indianapolis metropolitan area. Double board certified in otolaryngology and facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Hamilton has given lectures and authored journal articles on both chin augmentation and rhinoplasty. He is a graduate of the Indiana University School of Medicine where he currently serves as Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Hamilton has two offices located in Indianapolis and Carmel, Indiana. Please call his office at 1-800-597-3223 to schedule a consultation.