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Do I need a Deep Plane facelift?

The latest trend and buzz word for facelifts is “deep plane”. There are many advantages to the deep plane, but that does not mean it is the best for everyone. Here is a brief review of some of the main facelift techniques, what they do and who are good candidates.

FACEtite is a minimally invasive procedure done in a procedure room under local anesthesia. This is ideal for those who are younger (30s and 40s) who do not want surgery. The procedure is done through three small (less than half a centimeter/quarter of an inch) incisions, so much less work than even a mini lift. Liposuction is performed at the same time, as needed. The procedure tightens skin in the lower face and neck, softens jowling and neck fullness. The disadvantage of FACEtite is that it does not address extensive skin laxity.

Mini Facelifts are done with fewer incisions and typically do not involve extensive liposuction or neck work. These are typically performed from incisions around the ear with minimal skin elevation and tissue tightening. Patients will notice an improvement in jowling and a sharper neckline. While ideal for younger patients who need subtle improvement, they will only partially address extra skin and fat tissues in the neck. The advantages are an easier recovery and less downtime.

Extended SMAS Biplanar Facelift is the procedure that Dr. Hamilton performs on most patients requesting facelift. It typically involves liposuction as well as neck work, including options such as deep neck fat removal, digastric and platysma contouring and other deep neck options. Like a mini lift, incisions are made around the ear and the deep tissues (SMAS) is tightened. This involves extensive facial ligament release, similar to a deep plane facelift. Biplanar facelifts allow for more skin redraping and have an distinct advantage for those with more extensive skin laxity or facial wrinkles. While there is more downtime than a mini facelift, most patients are still able to return to most activities with make-up by two weeks.

Deep Plane Facelifts are designed to provide more elevation of the cheek and midface compared to SMAS Facelifts. This involves release of tissues in the upper cheek region (zygomatic ligament) which can lead to more cheek and eye swelling and a somewhat longer recovery than traditional facelifts. The advantages are improved cheek contour and more improvement of the nasolabial folds. As with SMAS facelifts, deep plane facelifts can be done with liposuction, platysmal tightening and deep neck work for an improved neckline and profile.

Deciding if you are a candidate for a facelift and which option is right for you begins with a consultation with Dr. Hamilton to explore your options.