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Undereye Rejuvenation

One of the more common complaints of our patients is tired eyes. Fortunately, we have a wide variety of options for treating this including dermal fillers. So, let’s talk about what to expect at an undereye filler appointment.

Facial aging is complex and multifactorial encompassing both external and internal factors including environmental influences, genetics, and health. Fat can deplete or be redistributed with age affecting facial volume and appearance. Skin weakens and loses elastin and collagen giving a thinned appearance often with sagging. Bone also is constantly undergoing remodeling and bone loss can happen with advanced age. All these changes lead to a more aged appearance over time.

Dermal filler can be injected into the face to help temporarily replenish areas of fat and bone loss, and support weakened tissue. This will help restore a more youthful, refreshed appearance. An ideal candidate for undereye filler is someone with good skin elasticity under the eyes and mild bone or fat changes. Advanced bone and fat loss will make restoring volume more difficult however fillers may still help improve appearance. This area of the face is best treated by a highly trained professional who understands the detailed anatomy as important structures are nearby including small arteries supplying your eye as well as facial nerve branches. Given the thin tissues and propensity for swelling in this area, filler selection, injector experience and technique are critical.

What to expect for your appointment? A detailed history will be obtained, and a brief physical exam will be performed to determine if you would be a good candidate for this treatment. Typically, the provider will select an FDA approved hyaluronic acid product with properties ideal for the periorbital area such as Restylane L, Juvéderm Volbella or Vollure, Belotero, or Versa. Each product has proprietary formulations with varying degrees of firmness and viscosity to help give the desired result. All of the hyaluronic acid-based fillers are reversible. This allows for correction if needed as well as increased safety.

The provider may choose to inject the areas surrounding the periorbital region or inject directly into hallowing under your eye (called the tear trough or lid cheek junction). Hallowing in the eyes is often a combination of puffiness due to fat protrusion and volume loss due to sagging tissues or fat loss along the border of the eye and the cheek. Filling the hallowed or shadowed areas will literally fill these in and help camouflage any puffiness. Enhancing the cheeks with fillers can also help improve the appearance of the under eyes by restoring volume. A combination of techniques may be utilized treating both the cheeks and the eyes. All these areas may be corrected using either needle and/or cannula techniques. Mild transient swelling and bruising are common during and immediately after the procedure; they may last for up to 1-2 weeks. The treatment results last approximately 6 months to 2 or more years depending on the technique and filler choice.

Expect to return in 2-4 weeks to evaluate your outcome and the need for additional injections to fully achieve the desired outcome. Best outcomes occur with ongoing maintenance in combination with an adequate home skincare routine provided and guided by an experienced medical aesthetics professional.

Our goal is for you to have the best possible outcomes, and to enjoy the benefits of undereye rejuvenation with dermal fillers. We would enjoy working with you to help you look and feel your best.

If you are interested in undereye rejuvenation with dermal fillers or would like to learn more, please contact Hamilton Facial Plastic Surgery in Greenwood 317-969-8472 or Indianapolis 317-682-0803 today to schedule your consultation.