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Kybella vs. Facelift- Which is right for me?

Kybella vs. Facelift- Which is right for me?

I have had many patients recently coming in asking whether they need a mini-facelift or something non-invasive such as Kybella™. Both have their role and which one is right depends on each patient’s goals and anatomy. Kybella™ is a new product from Allergan, the makers of Botox® and Juvederm®. Kybella™ is the first and only product to be FDA approved to treat sub-mental (under the chin) fat. It is composed of deoxycholic acid, a chemical that dissolves fat and is natural...

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Topical Botox Cosmetic

I am often asked about when will topical Botox be available? This is obviously of intense interest to those who are needle phobic. It is also attractive to others who bruise easily or just want another option to needle sticks. Revance Therapeutics recently announced they are beginning phase 3 studies of their investigational product RT001 for the treatment of crow’s feet with topical Botox. This study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of a single dose topical gel compared to placebo. Four...

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A Closer Look at the New Restylane Fillers

In the last year, Galderma has introduced two new fillers: Restylane Lyft and Restylane Silk. Although  they've both been used in various forms for years, these products have recently received new attention. Both products are made from hyaluronic acid, a substance that occurs naturally in your body. This is largely responsible for the youthful smoothness and firmness of skin, but levels tend to fall with age. Although both Restylane Lyft and Restylane Silk are hyaluronic acid fillers, their...

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Juvederm Ultra XC Receives FDA Approval For Use In The Lip Augmentation

For years we have been using Juvederm Ultra XC for lip augmentation with excellent results. So it is no surprise that it recently received FDA approval for use in the lips and perioral areas in adults over 21. This does, however, confirm for all of us the safety of lip enhancement with Juvederm Ultra XC. In addition, there are other interesting findings that I would not have expected. Juvederm Ultra was introduced in 2006 with FDA approval for correction of the nasolabial folds. Several years...

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Do you have any men that do this?

In my cosmetic practice this is one of the more common questions I get and I am always surprised- of course they do. Yet male cosmetic surgery is still about 20-30 years behind the women in terms of numbers, discussion and acceptance- but that is changing. In 2013 men had more than one million cosmetic procedures. The number of men having procedures has grown 43% over the last 5 years according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This growth has been fueled not only by injectables...

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Radiesse For Younger-Looking Hands

Radiesse (Calcium hydroxlapatite, Merz Aesthetics) received FDA approval for treatment of the  hands to correct volume loss. Hands are a common concern with aging and this confirms the benefits and safety of Radiesse injections in rejuvenating the hands. Radiesse is the only filler approved for this purpose. In an extensive study, Radiesse demonstrated improved appearance of the hands in 75% of treated patients at three months. Side effects were minimal to moderate and resolved within a week-...

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Bellafill Now FDA-Approved Through Five Years

Plastic surgeons specializing in facial surgery have long struggled to find a truly safe and effective treatment for facial scarring due to acne. Finding a treatment that was minimally invasive and produced very limited recovery time has been even more challenging. After being on the market for more than a decade, Bellafill has shown itself to be a safe and effective minimally invasive treatment that can be administered in-office with very little recovery time. Bellafill, a Suneva Medical...

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Kybella – The Good, The Bad and Is It Right For Me?

The latest new injectable is here and it is called Kybella™. With its introduction has come a lot of varying opinions as to how effective this new product will be. Most important, many patients are wondering if this is the right solution for their neckline, an area of common concern. Here are some of the facts regarding Kybella™: The Good Kybella is designed to dissolve submental fat and improve the area under the chin and has received FDA approval for this indication. Injections...

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Can Cosmetic Surgery Make You Look More Trustworthy?

It’s no secret that cosmetic surgery can make someone look younger; studies back this up. We also know that cosmetic surgery boosts self-confidence by enhancing how someone feels about his or her appearance. A new study, however, reveals that cosmetic surgery can improve perceived traits such as likeability and trustworthiness -- something completely new. Our facial appearance represents ourselves to the world. Snap judgments, right or wrong, are made based on how others perceive us. It’s...

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Can Plucking Help Cure Hair Loss?

Physicians have known for years that the body can respond to trauma in a variety of ways to heal and re-generate itself. A surprising twist on this is the possibility that plucking hairs in a specific manner can stimulate hair growth. This may serve as a future tool for the treatment of hair loss and male pattern baldness (MPB) as well as female hair loss. Researchers at the University of Southern California found a new concept called “quorum sensing.” This cell-based communication tool can be...

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