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Bellafill Received FDA Approval to Treat Acne Scars

Bellafill, a long-term filler made by Suneva Medical, is now the only filler available in the U.S. market with FDA approval to treat acne scars. Bellafill (previously named Artefill) already is the only filler in the U.S. approved to provide long term, (greater than five years) correction of facial folds. Dr. Hamilton is an expert with Bellafill. He has been using it since its introduction into the U.S. market nearly a decade ago and has lectured on the product. He is also a past member of the...

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Myths About Skincare and Beauty

Your mom used to warn you that potato chips were causing that giant pimple on your nose. Now your coworker swears a regular juice cleanse helps fight wrinkles. While everyone is becoming more health-conscious these days, plenty of stubborn myths remain to confuse issues. You may have heard a few of the following: You Can Get the Results of an Injection With a Topical Product Most would choose a topical cream over an injection. While a topical form of Botox is undergoing clinical trials, and...

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OcuMend Gel Pads to Improve Healing and Reduce Downtime

The major innovation for aesthetic procedures in recent years is minimally invasive or non-invasive treatments with little or no downtime. The subsiding of bruises and swelling are what necessitates downtime, so anything that can be done to minimize inflammation and bleeding will reduce the amount of time patients need to spend recuperating. For those considering a facial injection procedure, surgery, or other facial treatment, Dr. Hamilton has always recommended a few things to avoid as they...

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Artefill is now Bellafill

Artefill was approved by the FDA several years ago as the first long lasting (up to 5 years, possibly permanent) correction of the nasolabial folds. Over the years, Dr. Hamilton has found this to be a great option for those patients looking for a more long term correction than our hyaluronic acid fillers (Juvederm, Restylane, Belotero) provide. Now Artefill has a new name: Bellafill. The company (Suneva Medical) rebranded this product to more realistically represent its value. What has not...

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Resurfacing Your Skin

Do you want to make all your wrinkles, scars, facial lines, and uneven pigmentation less noticeable? It’s possible with laser skin resurfacing, also known as the laser peel. This procedure restores the skin, making itsmoother and giving it a more youthful look. Choose certain areas to be resurfaced oraddress the entire face. People Who Consider Laser Resurfacing To get laser resurfacing, you need to be in good physical health. If you have an olive, brown, or black skin tone, there is a slight...

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Five Benefits of Botox

Since its introduction for cosmetic purposes in 1989, Botox has been used to reduce signs of aging in men and women by relaxing many of the muscles that produce wrinkles and fine lines. Outlined below are a few of the benefits that the cosmetic injection has to offer. 1. Smoothing Wrinkles When we smile, squint, or move our faces, the numerous muscles around our eyes and mouth contract and retract. As the years go by, wrinkles, outlines, crow's feet, and frown lines appear from this muscle...

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Five Essentials for Optimal Skin Care

This past weekend, our entire staff attended an educational seminar on the basics of skin care. Focus was on use of the essential product types for optimal skin care listed below: G for Growth factors R for Retinoids A for Anti-oxidants S for Sunscreen S for Specialty products All patients should consider a daily skin care program. How many products and what specific regimen depend on each patient's individual skin, their goals and their time and budget commitment. The most important product...

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The Vapor Trail: Are E-Cigarettes Any Less Dangerous Than Smoking for Plastic Surgery Patients?

Electronic cigarettes are generating a lot of press lately — as a lifestyle choice, as an unfortunate fad among teen-agers, and as a supposedly "safe" alternative to tobacco. As president of the Indianapolis Medical Society, I wrote this article about the concern in health circles over the growing use of e-cigarettes and personal vaporizers. As e-smoking, or "vaping," becomes a $1.5 billion yearly business, independent researchers are subjecting these products to extensive testing for toxins....

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Seven Reasons Everyone Should Have a Skincare Regimen

Reason One: Certain skincare items are formulated to prevent and reverse photodamage and skin aging. These products may contain Retinol that promotes a higher cell turnover, contain SPF ingredients, and use antioxidants to control free radical damage to the skin. While skincare can also effectively combat existing damage, doctors and skincare experts alike suggest a proactive approach to maintaining the health and beauty of the largest organ of the human body – the skin. Suggested In-Office...

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Caring for Your Skincare

Most skincare products contain ingredients that have been packaged in a sterile environment where the containers were vacuum sealed and packaged to avoid tampering prior to use. These measures create safe topical treatments for at-home use, free of harmful bacteria or mold, and free of oxygen that accelerates the expiration of the product. After a consumer opens the container, both the packaging and whatever it contains are exposed to a number of contaminants, including the users own skin...

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