Bruising is a common concern for patients after surgery. It prolongs recovery and delays getting back to activities and work. Make up can be applied typically after a week (and our staff assist with this) and does provide excellent camouflage, but patients for good reason would still like to minimize. Even more important to surgeons is bleeding- the biggest concern/ risk after most facial surgeries. Minor bleeding typically leads to bruising. Major bleeding can cause blood collections that require removal in the office or rarely back in surgery. Prevention of both is related.
The first step to minimize bruising or bleeding after surgery is to avoid any blood thinners before surgery. Some of these are obvious, such as aspirin, ibuprofen or Plavix. Others may not be- many common supplements such as ginger and ginko biloba have been linked to bruising and poor clotting. Our office provides an extensive list of thinners to be avoided starting two week before surgery. Some supplements have been linked to less bruising and bleeding. These include arnica montana and bromelein. Arnica Montana is available in our office and can be provided by the patient care coordinators. Meticulous surgical work can minimize bruising and the chance for bleeding, but not always. Some patients are predisposed to clotting issues. If you bruise easily or have had problems with bleeding in the past, it is important to let you facial plastic surgeon know. Artiss, a new fibrin sealant that Dr. Hamilton has been using, has been shown to minimize bruising and bleeding in some studies.
Our own experience has shown that it expedites the healing process and shortens recovery.
Please ask Dr. Hamilton or one of our patient care coordinators if you may be a candidate for this new product. Bleeding complications after facial surgery is fortunately very rare and bruising unfortunately not so rare. Following a careful plan with your surgeon can help to minimize both.