Chin Implant in Indianapolis, Indiana
Whether you are looking to strengthen your jawline or improve your profile in photos, chin implants can help. Located in Carmel and Greenwood, Hamilton Facial Plastic Surgery, led by double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Mark M. Hamilton, M.D., F.A.C.S., offers chin implants for men and women who live in and around Indianapolis, Indiana.
What is Chin Augmentation?
Chin augmentation, also referred to as mentoplasty, is the surgery to build up a receding chin or otherwise reshape the jaw line.
How Much Do Chin Implants Cost in Indianapolis, Indiana?
Hamilton Facial Plastic Surgery seeks to make facial surgery procedures available and affordable for everyone. To accomplish this, we accept cash, major credit cards and personal checks for chin implants.

Benefits of Chin Augmentation
The outcome of a chin implant procedure has a strong impact on the appearance and balance of the overall facial features. A weak chin, for example, may make a large nose appear even larger and increasing the size of the chin can help to balance out the nose. For this reason, chin augmentation is often combined with rhinoplasty.
What Happens During a Chin Augmentation?
During chin augmentation surgery, a chin implant is placed into the chin area in order to improve the appearance of the jaw and to achieve better facial harmony.
Dr. Hamilton typically performs chin augmentation in a surgery center or hospital facility. The surgical time averages 30 minutes to one hour, with either local anesthesia and sedation or general anesthesia being used. During the surgery, a very small incision is made, which may be located under the chin area or on the inside of the mouth along the lower lip. Dr. Hamilton will create a pocket in the tissue over the jawbone and insert an implant of the appropriate size and shape. The incision will then be closed, and the chin may be taped.
What are Chin Implants Made From?
Chin implants are made from a variety of materials and come in different shapes and sizes. The most commonly used chin implants are made of soft silicone or Gore-Tex®. Dr. Hamilton typically uses mersilene mesh-style chin implants that allow an in-growth of the tissue. This material allows for ingrowth of your own natural tissues, providing a more natural look and a softer feel. Another option for chin augmentation is genioplasty, a surgical procedure which advances the chin bone to create a more prominent chin.
Before and After Pictures
Is Chin Augmentation Right For Me?
Chin augmentation may be right for you if you are bothered by a weak or receding chin and would like to add prominence to the chin or jaw area. If you are considering chin augmentation, it’s important that you have realistic expectations for your surgery’s outcome and that you be in good physical health.
Chin Augmentation Recovery
After chin augmentation surgery, patients can expect some swelling and bruising. Swelling may initially make facial movements such as smiling and talking difficult. If incisions are made on the inside of the mouth, dietary restrictions may be required. Patients may also experience some discomfort during the first few days of recovery, which can be alleviated with prescription pain medication, if necessary. If surface stitches are used instead of dissolvable sutures, they will be removed after five to seven days. It will take approximately one week after the chin augmentation procedure before work, and other normal activities can be resumed and six weeks before resuming more strenuous activities that may bump or jar the face.
Post Operative Chin Implant Instructions
The following is a list of general instructions for your care following your chin augmentation. Please read them carefully several times as most of your questions should be answered here. Carefully following these instructions should help you get the best results from your procedure.
Daily Care
Your dressing after surgery will remain on until the following morning. It is important to relax and keep your head elevated the night after surgery. Your dressing will be removed the morning after surgery. At that point we will review your care:
If your implant was placed intraorally:
- Please limit yourself to liquids for the first 24 hours and a soft diet for the first week after surgery. From there you should slowly advance your diet as tolerated.
- After each meal and before you go to bed you should rinse with either a rinse recommended by Dr. Hamilton or with an OTC mouth rinse.
If your implant was placed through a submental incision (under the chin):
- Tape will be applied over your incision. This tape should stay on for the first week following surgery. You may get it wet, but blot it dry afterwards. If it does fall off, you should clean the incision with hydrogen peroxide and Q-tips and then apply antibiotic ointment three times a day.
- A soft diet is indicated for the first week after surgery.
What to expect
Swelling will vary patient-to-patient. Swelling may actually increase the first three to four days before subsiding. Most of your swelling should resolve over the first two to three weeks. Do expect, however, to have minor fluctuations in the remaining swelling over the course of the next two to three months. Things to do to minimize this swelling include keeping your head elevated as much as possible over the first two to three weeks, avoiding bending over or heavy lifting for the first three weeks, and avoiding prolonged sun exposure for the first two to three months.
Bruising will vary like swelling from person to person. Most bruising and discoloration should resolve over the first two weeks. Make up, with Dr. Hamilton’s permission, can be applied ten days to two weeks after surgery.
Your jaw may be numb following surgery. This is normal and will subside over the coming weeks to months. Unusual sensations, pins and needles, and occasionally mild discomfort may occur as these nerves regenerate over time.
It is not uncommon for patients to go through a period of mild depression after cosmetic surgery. This typically occurs the second week after surgery while some of the swelling and bruising still persist and yet the patient is anxious to see a final result. Realize this is a temporary condition and things will improve. Focus on diligently following the wound care as well as other activities to help divert your mind.
- No strenuous exercise for at least two weeks.
- No heavy lifting for three weeks.
- Avoid hard chewing foods for two weeks.
- No contact sports for six weeks.
Please do not hesitate to ever contact our office.
Mark M. Hamilton, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery for the residents of Indianapolis. He has extensive experience and skill in chin augmentation and other cosmetic facial procedures and is able to produce beautiful, balanced results for the chin and other areas of the face. To schedule a consultation at his Carmel or Greenwood office, please contact us today.