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Five Essentials for Optimal Skin Care

Plastic Surgery in Indianapolis, INThis past weekend, our entire staff attended an educational seminar on the basics of skin care. Focus was on use of the essential product types for optimal skin care listed below:

G for Growth factors
R for Retinoids
A for Anti-oxidants
S for Sunscreen
S for Specialty products

All patients should consider a daily skin care program. How many products and what specific regimen depend on each patient’s individual skin, their goals and their time and budget commitment. The most important product to incorporate each day is sunscreen. Protecting your skin from the sun is the number one goal each day.

Antioxidants can be used to reverse the effects of sun damage and aging. This includes vitamins C and E. Formulation is critical to make sure the products are able to penetrate the skin and be effective.

Retinoids are the products with the most science behind them and proven results. Use on a regular basis if not daily is beneficial for all patients.

Lastly, growth factors are the newest area of skin care, but have proven benefits.

For specific situations (hyperpigmentation, melisma, acne), specialty products can be combined for a more effective regimen.

Determining which products are right for you and developing your own skin care regimen begins with a consultation with a licensed aesthetician or board certified facial plastic surgeon.