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How To Minimize Bruising

One of the most common questions I get is how to minimize bruising with injections, especially the dermal fillers. While it is almost impossible to completely prevent bruising, there are a few things that can be done.

Avoiding anything that might thin the blood beforehand is probably most important. This includes obvious things like aspirin and NSAID containing products such as ibuprofen, Advil® and Aleve®. Even more concerning are Coumadin® and Plavix. In addition, many supplements such as fish oil, ginseng and ginkgo biloba can affect bruising. Feel free to contact the office for a full list of potentially blood thinning medications.

Dermal Fillers and Injectables in Indianapolis, INThere are a variety of supplements out there that are reported to help minimize or prevent bruising. Probably the best known is Arnica Montana. While I am not a big believer in the oral dose having much affect, I do think the topical products, and in particular OcuMend gel pads can make a significant difference. These pads, as I discussed in a previous blog, are applied immediately after the injection and provide high dose arnica to the injected areas. This provides 50x the dose of what would be achieved orally.

There are several things we as injectors may do as well. Sometimes ice applied immediately before the injection not only helps to minimize discomfort, but the cold shrinks blood vessels making injury less likely. Also, pressure applied immediately after the injection can prevent oozing from any punctured vessels or capillaries. Lastly, in some instances I think cannulas can provide a real advantage over needles when injecting fillers. These blunt tip instruments are less likely to puncture vessels and in some situations may be safer.

We have learned a lot since the new age of injectable fillers began around a decade ago. While we often cannot prevent bruising, using these tools we can minimize it as well as downtime. Please let myself or your nurse injector know if you have concerns about bruising or further questions.