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What is the recovery like after a Facelift?

Facelift in Indianapolis, INRecovery questions about a Facelift is one of the most common questions I hear from patients. I think most expect that they will be out of commission for weeks to months following a plastic surgery process. Fortunately for most patients, this is not the case.

A facelift procedure typically takes 2-4 hours depending on if it is a mini facelift or a full face lift requiring extensive facial surgery work. While some discomfort should be expected, the patients skin will feel numb after the procedure and remain so for several weeks. Patients will complain of tightness and pulling, but most do not consider it a painful process- much less so than body plastic surgery. In addition, patients undergoing a mini facelift will have less extensive work, incisions and typically less pain.

With all my facelift procedures, stitches will remain in for one week. By ten days out, patients can wear make-up and our office will help with providing the right camouflage products. My goal with all patients is to have them back out in public doing routine activities and work by two weeks, if not before. While some subtle swelling may persist beyond this, patients should feel comfortable in most environments by this point. Major events such as weddings or international travel should probably be scheduled at least one month after surgery.

While deciding to have a facelift is a commitment of time, it is often much less than patients expect and the results are worth the recovery time. Call our office today to see if a facelift is right for you!